Our thoughts

Performing Under Pressure 

One of our services at Agar is to support clients to ‘perform under pressure’; we help them to think about how they can reduce the pressure that they are under at work, while also increasing their ability to cope with…

The culture of perks 

I’ve previously written about both culture and perks . . . and this time I am going to combine the two! We love Geoff Colvin’s description of great places to work as being ‘personal not perkonal’ but we think the…

New Beginnings…

I am extremely proud to be writing the first blog as Class HR working in partnership with Agar Management Consultancy Ltd (Agar). We have spent the last few months planning and building the Class HR brand and now we are…

Being your Brilliant Best

At Agar, we really like the work of Andy Cope and often use it in our training. Andy’s philosophy of people being their ‘brilliant best’ very much links with our aim of creating a culture that enables everyone to…

It’s personal, not perkonal!

At Agar, we believe that the success of any business comes down to people and relationships and we’re not alone in that thought! In an article in April 2015 about creating the perfect workplace, Geoff Colvin talks about the emphasis…

The way things are done around here

When we chose the name of our company we wanted something which embodied what we’re all about but which made people think a bit too! In an age where there is so much information available with one quick google search…

Ready to get started?

If you’ve worked with us before or are seeking to understand how we could help you then simply contact us and we can start the process.