Jo Redgrave


Jo is accredited as an Insights Discovery Licensed Practitioner, as well as working as a Coach and Learning Facilitator.

Jo originally studied for a degree in Psychology at Manchester Metropolitan University and went on to gain her Masters in Human Resource Management at Middlesex University Business School. Working as an HR Leader in business environments for 25 years, she subsequently achieved the status of Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (FCIPD).

Jo made the move to working as a Consultant and Coach after gaining her ILM Level 7 in Executive Coaching accreditation in 2016, and has recently updated this with a Diploma in Transformational Coaching. She is a member of the EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council) and holds her individual accreditation at Practitioner level; her coaching work is guided by their Global Code of Ethics. Jo’s work with teams and on a one to one basis aims to build emotional intelligence and understanding; she has a strong values-based approach and is driven by her passion and commitment to work with people at all levels to create a space and environment which generates a mindset for curiosity, interest and self-discovery.

Jo’s aim is to identify opportunities for improving self-awareness and personal insight. She enjoys sharing ideas, generating discussion and reflection and – by doing so – raising the possibility of making a positive change or shift in thinking and exploring how this, in turn, can impact organisationally on the wider culture and climate and on personal effectiveness at work.


Working with Jo Redgrave

Jo’s personable and relatable yet highly professional approach works very well across our diverse teams.

She navigates and is sensitive to group needs, is supportive, encouraging and engaging and challenges us, appropriately, when required.

Jo is wholly dependable and organised and is a pleasure to work with. We continue to utilise her extensive expertise.

Phillip Arkwright, CEO Buckfast Abbey

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Ready to get started?

If you’ve worked with us before or are seeking to understand how we could help you then simply contact us and we can start the process.